Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hi everyone. Kathy here. As you can see, Dale and I haven't been able to post. Dale has not been feeling well and I just don't quite feel ready yet. Dale is at the doctor now and in an effort to occupy my mind, I thought I would try a post. It's raining outside so I am skipping or postponing my walk until later. I had my first outing yesterday. We had a day of doctor s appointments. It went ok but I was really exhausted when we got home. I have been losing movement and feeling in the right side of my face the last few days so they started me on a biggie course of steroids to try to stop the swelling and reverse the effects on my face. I  am trying to remain hopeful. Still working on my face and balance exercises....so exhausting...but I'm doing it.  I have about 10 days until my stiches come out and I am counting the days as the itching is truly driving me insane. Yesterday the doctor said I could sleep lying down and they wrote me an Rx of a sleeping pill so hopefully I will be able to sleep. I was too chicken to sleep lying down last night...I had my chair all set up and was too tired to move back to the bed. 😱 I'll try again tonight! (See Denise,you aren't the only crazy sister...xo).  

For my work friends, Dale has read me all your notes. Thank you...you all make me smile. Sorry I'm missing Jerry Vale but I've had enough nausea on my own! You'll have to go it without me. In regard to my weekly highlights.....this is it...all you get!  ðŸ˜Š
I've been sent all sorts of love in the last couple weeks...cards and flowers and pastries...bags and baskets of goodies...soup (yum) and phone calls. You all know who you are and I am grateful...truly thankful for all of it and all of you!!!  Dale and I could not have made it this far without you! We will find a way to return your kindness.  

Well, I think I am tired now and blabbered on more than I thought I would.

Bye for now.
XO Kathy

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.
I have been fighting a cold/sore throat for about a month (3rd doctor appointment tomorrow).  Needless to say I'm a little run down.
But the good news is we're home. Rocky road ahead but Kathy will persevere just like last time.
Thanks to all.
I'll post more after some rest.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I think we've got the comment problem solved (maybe).
Try this:
At the bottom of a post there will be a (I think highlighted) phrase indicating either 'no comments' or a number of comments).
Click on that.
You'll see an 'enter your comment here' box.  Click in here and enter your text.
When done click on the 'comment as' drop down menu.
Select 'Google account' if you are signed in Google, you can try the name option or (probably easier) select 'anonymous' and just end your comment with your name.
Hope this works, we would like to hear from you.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Up and Down (and some spinning) - The Roller Coaster of Recovery

Before  I describe today I would like to offer a  sense of how complicated  (and sometimes almost overwhelming ) this all can be and how tough my precious wife is, so I'm going to list some of the things Kathy has to deal with.

  • A new hole in the head in addition to the first one  received in 2009 (first surgery) plus the one she got when she accepted my  marriage proposal..
  • Two surgeons moving parts of her brain aside and ever so skillfully maneuvering around to get to the offending tumor. Trust us the brain does not like this! I think there was a microscope involved also.
  • Six plus hours of anesthesia and only the hospital and god knows how many different drugs through  at  least four or five IV lines.  (those hurt too!) 
  • An abdominal incision to harvest a bit of fat to plug the aforementioned hole in the head.
  • A VERY tight (think vise) pressure bandage wrapped around her head the size of a grapefruit on one side. Trust me this thing is tight. (Four to five days with this post op). I would have taken a picture  but then I would end up in a hospital bed also.
  • Balance, eye, facial nerve and lung exercises. With the lung exercises you have to force a ball (in a tube like device) up by inhaling. It is  much more difficult than blowing. These have to be done several times a day, feeling good or not.
  • Finding the energy to do all this with a body that is craving food when you really do not feel like eating. It takes a lot of nourishment to heal after major surgery. 
Luckily we're in a great facility with the  best docs, nurses,support people and  a wonderful mother in law!

 Today started out pretty good with a little breakfast ( some scrambled eggs and a little bagel).
With that little bit of nutritional fortification Kathy forged ahead for a walk and then......you guessed it - major nausea. (was it the walking or the new pain med?) For a while we thought the day was lost and we were going backwards.
With  the right meds and a good nap Kathy was ready to try again. Success! About 400 feet! WITH a few turns! Turns alone can make you sick even if they are slow and wide. Felling like a 'noodle' after but great progress.
After that marathon Kathy was ready for FOOD! Yes! Food means healing! Healing means home.
Meatloaf and sides for lunch, chicken stir fry for dinner. Can't forget the Ensure (just pretend it's a milk shake).
Now you can see why this is a roller coaster (complete with the nausea).
In the end a very good day!
I understand there is a problem with posting comments. I am trying to  to find the answer.
Thanks everyone.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Good news!
What a difference a few hours can make!
Out of ICU, out of bed and walking (with a walker). All progress here is measured in small increments. The entire wing has markers every 20 feet, so a 200 foot walk even with a walker is a big deal and Kathy's on it.
More good news.
Kathy completed her first (limited) physical therapy session. With this type of procedure you not only have to work through all the physical pain (like a hole drilled in your head) but you have to challenge your brain to the point of nausea. Make yourself sick to get better. If you don't do this the brain will not fully adapt which means balance problems and other issues. This has to be started now. If you delay you will not ever reach full potential.
And.....Kathy actually drank half a bottle of Ensure. Small steps.
Hopefully we can reduce some of the pain meds soon but so far we're moving forward.
I am so proud of my sweetheart.
Strong, brave, smart and beautiful. Marvel or DC will be calling soon.
Still in ICU.
Little bit of a rough morning. Apparently Kathy's GI system is not ready for solid food, she's sipping water and juice though. Just a matter of time. Can't blame her after six plus hours of anesthesia.
We've met with both surgeons and they have assured us everything so far is expected.
She's still in quite a bit of pain and discomfort but overall not as bad as last time. Mostly sleeping but definitely communicating better and more aware of what's going on. Good sign.
Even though we've researched and studied it's weird what is affected by such an invasive procedure, head, jaw, neck, eyes and all the usual systems. Progress is measured in increments of each part.
Thanks everyone for all your good wishes.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Well...........Still pretty much asleep but the grinch of vertigo (the spins) has appeared. We were hoping to avoid this and they're doing their best to control it. Could be the anesthesia or  possibly some of her balance nerve was still functional and it's not real pleased to have  had someone in the neighborhood.  Either way it's going to take time.
So far seems like the morphine is working a little for the pain.  ( I tried but couldn't talk them into a little for me, guess I'll have to settle for carbs instead).
She hasn't woken up enough to know we're here but maybe it's best to sleep past as much as possible.
I have to say this is the most caring environment we have ever been in. Thank you Providence Novi.